A couple weeks ago, as I dropped Annabelle off at her special preschool, I noticed some very questionable men walking past her school. I know this goes without being said, but while we would love to home school, Annabelle is receiving the therapies she needs where she is at. We hope to home school in the near future.
This was not the first time I'd seen questionable looking people around her school. You see, Annabelle goes to a tiny school in a tiny town out in the country. While it's definitely not the WORST neighborhood, I wouldn't consider the BEST. The town barely consists of more than one road and a lot of run down homes that border the other side of the fence that edges the school playgrounds. One of the times when I noticed strange people walking around this crazy looking town, I whipped my car around and went back to the school to sit in the parking lot for a little while. . . just so I could guard those doors :)
Well things have changed. I am no longer bound by the fear that you I was once bound by. I still have my worries, but I am not crippled. This last time when I noticed the strange men I thought about turning my car around, but I kept going. Before I turned back onto the highway God sent me a little picture text, so to speak. In the picture there was a storm raging around Annabelle. Strong winds were blowing past her, objects and animals where whizzing around her. But there in the middle of all that chaos was little Annabelle playing. She had no idea what was going on around her. She just sat there playing in total peace and enjoying herself.
Then I heard a still small voice say, "No worries. I've got this one."
Their descendants will be known among the nations and their offspring among the peoples. All who see them will acknowledge that they are a people the Lord has blessed.
Isaiah 61:9